Vision Therapy

Vision therapy is a specialized form of therapy that aims to enhance and improve visual abilities through a series of customized exercises and treatments. It goes beyond traditional eye care by targeting the connections between the eyes and the brain, effectively training and strengthening the visual system.

This therapeutic process is designed to address various vision-related challenges, including difficulties with eye tracking, focusing, depth perception, eye teaming, and visual processing. Whether you're experiencing visual issues due to developmental delays, learning disabilities, sports-related injuries, or other underlying conditions, vision therapy can be an effective non-invasive solution.

Through a personalized treatment plan, our eye doctors work closely with you to identify specific areas of visual weakness and tailor exercises to meet your unique needs. These exercises may involve the use of specialized equipment, therapeutic lenses, prisms, and other tools to facilitate visual improvement and enhance visual processing skills.

By engaging in regular vision therapy sessions, you can expect to see remarkable improvements in your visual capabilities. Enhanced visual skills not only contribute to academic success but also have a significant impact on daily activities such as reading, writing, driving, sports performance, and overall quality of life.

Vision Therapy Goals


Moving the eyes smoothly across a printed page or while following a moving object and being able to quickly and accurately locate and inspect a series of stationary objects.


The ability to sustain clarity at the near point as well as looking quickly from far to near and back without blur.

Eye Teaming or

Aligning both eyes at the same place at the same time and moving them together as a team - smoothly, equally and accurately.

Depth Perception:

Quickly and accurately judging the distance and speeds of objects - such as catching a ball.

Eye / Hand /
​​​​​​​Body Coordination:

How the hands, feet & body respond to visual information.

Visual Perception:

Understanding what is seen and integrating vision with the other senses.

Signs of a Learning Related Vision Problem

  • Child becomes easily distracted

  • Avoids near tasks

  • Words move or float off page

  • Low reading comprehension

  • Poor concentration

  • Frustrated with school

  • Exaggeration head movements

  • Loses place and skips lines

  • Very close reading distance

  • Rapidly fatigues when reading

  • Reading below grade-appropriate words per minute

  • Closing or covering one eye while reading

  • Turning or tilting head while reading

  • Headaches or eyestrain

  • Double vision

  • Rubbing of the eyes

  • Re-reading words or paragraphs

  • Word or letter reversals

  • Misjudgments of distance, size and location in sports and play

Professional Services:

As a child’s eyes develop, it is not uncommon for a number of problems to occur. Beyond blurred vision, children can develop a number of other visual and perceptual difficulties that are often not detected by a simple vision exam. Even a child with 20/20 visual acuity, can have underlying vision problems!

Vision Therapy Can Treat:

  • Amblyopia and Strabismus (Lazy eye)

  • Accommodation, Binocular, and Eye Tracking Deficiencies

  • Visual Processing Disorders

  • Concussions/Traumatic Brain Injuries

80% of what a child learns
in the classroom is through
the visual system!

A child that sees like this
can pass a vision screening.
A child that sees like this
can pass a vision screening.
A chlid taht sees lkie tihs
can psas a vsoin scereinng.

So, is it any wonder why your child can’t sit still for 20 minutes to do homework?

Typical vision screenings
can miss at least 50% of
vision related problems